2020年12月20日 星期日

Push back


Push back

Bring forward

Cut it fine, cut it close

That figures

2020年12月19日 星期六

Diluted EPS

A performance metric used to gauge the quality of a company’s earnings per share (EPS) if all convertible securities were exercised. Convertible securities refers to all outstanding convertible preferred shares, convertible debentures, stock options (primarily employee based) and warrants. Unless the company has no additional potential shares outstanding (a relatively rare circumstance) the diluted EPS will always be lower than the simple EPS.[1]

Diluted earnings per share (Diluted EPS) takes the basic earnings per share figure one step further. Basic EPS only takes into account the number of shares outstanding at the time. Diluted EPS, on the other hand, estimates how many shares could theoretically exist after all stock options, warrants, preferred stock and / or convertible bonds have been exercised. The theory goes that because some or all of these investments could be converted or exercised, the number of shares outstanding could increase at any time. This reduces the amount of a company’s earnings each share is entitled to. In doing so, the price to earnings ratio becomes higher, and the stock appears more expensive. In most cases, the diluted earnings-per-share figure is far more accurate estimation of the total earnings per share and receive special attention when valuing a company. [2]


每股盈餘由股東應得獲利(attributable profìt)除以發行在外總股得出,是評估上市公司盈餘能力的一項指標,在計算每股盈餘時也要將普通股票之外的其他有價證券可能會影響到再增加發行普通股一併計入,其所得就是稀釋後的每股盈餘,此數值一定低於基本每股盈餘。
