2011年3月12日 星期六


I wouldn't push your luck - to expect continued good fortune
a heads up would've been nice (抬起頭)
predicament (尷尬的處境,困境)
maid of honor
it's less direct, but same effect.
ten years of a loving friendship
sporadic (偶而發生的)
the time that we've clock together (共度的時光)
an act of cowardice(怯懦) so complete
disqualifies a person from consideration
It's not like I came at this lightly (並不是沒有仔細考慮過)
we were too far apart. (離太遠了)
finish my dissertation (論文), practically living in library
you are doing God know what in New York city
fending off all your hipster boyfriends
patronize me (損我)
patronize - to talk to someone in a way which seems friendly but shows that you think they are not as intelligent or do not know as much as you
we gave it a college try (大學時我們不是沒有嘗試過)
it was an accident of timing (那是時間不湊巧)
give me a freaking break
i would make a break for it
ambivalence (矛盾心理)
you're torn between two women.
has it ever occurred to you that I might need ...?
someone practical.
to tear someone down just to build herself back up
your polar opposite (和你截然相反的人)
so why don't we just spare (赦免) each other ..
you're hilarious (極可笑的)
your surprise is disturbing
take a shot (喝一杯吧)
cheer you (乾杯)
there goes your theory (你的理論不成立)
Weeie's a mess, she pretends to have her shit together
Pete is a screw-up, pretending to be a success
pre-wedding panic attack
it is if you indulge(沈迷於) in it all the time
lose my shit (發瘋)
who should I lost it to? (我該向誰發洩)
I was headed for greatness.

