2011年10月31日 星期一

Bed of Nails PCB Assembly Tester | Micro Basics

Bed of Nails PCB Assembly Tester | Micro Basics

Bed of Nails PCB Assembly Tester | Micro Basics

Bed of Nails PCB Assembly Tester | Micro Basics

ZigBee 傳輸器測試的基本概念 - Developer Zone - National Instruments

ZigBee 傳輸器測試的基本概念 - Developer Zone - National Instruments

Phase noise measurement

Phase noise measurement

Phase noise measurement

Phase noise measurement

PPM Clock accuracy examples

PPM Clock accuracy examples

Videos - Free video downloads and streaming video - CNET TV

Videos - Free video downloads and streaming video - CNET TV

ARM Information Center

ARM Information Center

香港 [流動寬頻] 網誌: 支援NEON SIMD對CPU處理能力有幾大影響?

香港 [流動寬頻] 網誌: 支援NEON SIMD對CPU處理能力有幾大影響?



《數位之牆》ARM Cortex-A8處理器 為TI平台帶來超高效能

《數位之牆》ARM Cortex-A8處理器 為TI平台帶來超高效能

ARM與Cortex筆記 « Loda's blog

ARM與Cortex筆記 « Loda's blog

RISC (MIPS, ARM) in 1985, John Hennessey talks - YouTube

RISC (MIPS, ARM) in 1985, John Hennessey talks - YouTube

RISC (MIPS, ARM) in 1985, John Hennessey talks - YouTube

RISC (MIPS, ARM) in 1985, John Hennessey talks - YouTube

Cortex-M4 Floating Point Unit - YouTube

Cortex-M4 Floating Point Unit - YouTube

What is FPU? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer Dictionary

What is FPU? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer Dictionary

ARM posts Cortex-A9 vs Atom performance video, Intel should be worried – Computer Chips & Hardware Technology | Geek.com

ARM posts Cortex-A9 vs Atom performance video, Intel should be worried – Computer Chips & Hardware Technology | Geek.com

2011年10月20日 星期四





工作狂人: 如何選擇 PCB 連板數量

工作狂人: 如何選擇 PCB 連板數量

www.dd-wrt.com | Unleash Your Router

www.dd-wrt.com | Unleash Your Router



Difference Between AHB and AXI | Difference Between | AHB vs AXI

Difference Between AHB and AXI | Difference Between | AHB vs AXI

Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



[新竹] 來坐麻油雞 ~非凡大探索推薦 - 等待 那一季的玫瑰 - 無名小站

[新竹] 來坐麻油雞 ~非凡大探索推薦 - 等待 那一季的玫瑰 - 無名小站

[新竹][港式料理] 隱藏在巷弄裡的"豐茗樓"。油條腸粉好好吃 - *·.﹒小米·˙*.﹒* 每天都有‧心‧魚羊‧事 * - 無名小站

[新竹][港式料理] 隱藏在巷弄裡的"豐茗樓"。油條腸粉好好吃 - *·.﹒小米·˙*.﹒* 每天都有‧心‧魚羊‧事 * - 無名小站

[竹北]吃素也能吃得很優雅的舒果新米蘭蔬食 @ 皮西斯的生活網誌 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::

[竹北]吃素也能吃得很優雅的舒果新米蘭蔬食 @ 皮西斯的生活網誌 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::

[2011吃喝-新竹]豐茗樓港式飲茶 - 花心猴的追趕跑跳碰 - 無名小站

[2011吃喝-新竹]豐茗樓港式飲茶 - 花心猴的追趕跑跳碰 - 無名小站

[2011吃喝-新竹]食堂屋平價日式料理 - 花心猴的追趕跑跳碰 - 無名小站

[2011吃喝-新竹]食堂屋平價日式料理 - 花心猴的追趕跑跳碰 - 無名小站

♡食趣♡新竹 夜晚的悠閒。gossip - 惡魔的天空 - 無名小站

♡食趣♡新竹 夜晚的悠閒。gossip - 惡魔的天空 - 無名小站

[便當食記] 伊村燒肉飯-雞腿、燒肉、雞排 (南大店) @ 三高吃漢の美食足跡 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::

[便當食記] 伊村燒肉飯-雞腿、燒肉、雞排 (南大店) @ 三高吃漢の美食足跡 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::

Chubby喜樂餐廳 - Look!新竹生活網

Chubby喜樂餐廳 - Look!新竹生活網

關於我們─緣起~~ - 草根廚房

關於我們─緣起~~ - 草根廚房

2011年10月15日 星期六

Introduction of TGnSync 802.11n proposal

Introduction of TGnSync 802.11n proposal

Distributing HD video throughout the home - Electronic Products

Distributing HD video throughout the home - Electronic Products

Wirevolution » How does 802.11n get to 600Mbps?

Wirevolution » How does 802.11n get to 600Mbps?

Startup chipmaker hopes to hook enterprise with 1Gbps WiFi

Startup chipmaker hopes to hook enterprise with 1Gbps WiFi

Wirevolution » How does 802.11n get to 600Mbps?

Wirevolution » How does 802.11n get to 600Mbps?

WLAN 450 Mbit / s assuming specific shapes » IT - Chuiko | Technology News, IT News

WLAN 450 Mbit / s assuming specific shapes » IT - Chuiko | Technology News, IT News

802.11n « WiFi Jedi.com

802.11n « WiFi Jedi.com

Xirrus: The Leader in High Performance Wi-Fi - Home

Xirrus: The Leader in High Performance Wi-Fi - Home

802.11n « WiFi Jedi.com

802.11n « WiFi Jedi.com

Performance Enhancement of WLAN Using 802.11n and MIMO Technology

Performance Enhancement of WLAN Using 802.11n and MIMO Technology

Startup chipmaker hopes to hook enterprise with 1Gbps WiFi

Startup chipmaker hopes to hook enterprise with 1Gbps WiFi

2010: The Year of HD Streaming Wirelessly? Part 2 - SmallNetBuilder

2010: The Year of HD Streaming Wirelessly? Part 2 - SmallNetBuilder

Quantenna Communications - Company Overview - YouTube

Quantenna Communications - Company Overview - YouTube

Beamforming - Technology - Quantenna Communications

Beamforming - Technology - Quantenna Communications

Beamforming - Technology - Quantenna Communications

Beamforming - Technology - Quantenna Communications

NETGEAR WNHDB3004 3DHD Wireless Home Theater Networking Kit Preview - How It Works, Performance Peek - SmallNetBuilder

NETGEAR WNHDB3004 3DHD Wireless Home Theater Networking Kit Preview - How It Works, Performance Peek - SmallNetBuilder

Wavion Wireless Networks - outdoor and metro Wi-Fi

Wavion Wireless Networks - outdoor and metro Wi-Fi

Outdoor WiFi | Metro Wi-Fi – Wavion

Outdoor WiFi | Metro Wi-Fi – Wavion

Beamforming Wi-Fi - YouTube

Beamforming Wi-Fi - YouTube

Evaluate home video entertainment wireless network options

Evaluate home video entertainment wireless network options

2011年10月14日 星期五

Evaluate home video entertainment wireless network options

Evaluate home video entertainment wireless network options



Combination of MIMO and Beamforming technology for WIMAX - ZTE Corporation

Combination of MIMO and Beamforming technology for WIMAX - ZTE Corporation

ZDNet Taiwan - 新版Wi-Fi網路的漫長之路 - 企業應用 - IT技術

ZDNet Taiwan - 新版Wi-Fi網路的漫長之路 - 企業應用 - IT技術

CTimes - 11n傳輸視訊降低干擾 雷凌和創銳訊各有撇步:802.11n,MIMO,Beamforming,Computex 2010,Atheros,Ralink,Quantenna,Broadcom,無線配接設備,無線通訊收發器

CTimes - 11n傳輸視訊降低干擾 雷凌和創銳訊各有撇步:802.11n,MIMO,Beamforming,Computex 2010,Atheros,Ralink,Quantenna,Broadcom,無線配接設備,無線通訊收發器

Quantenna將與三星合作開發4x4 MIMO產品

Quantenna將與三星合作開發4x4 MIMO產品



Beamforming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Beamforming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Primer on Digital Beamforming

Beamforming is the combination of radio signals from a set of small non-directional antennas to simulate a large directional antenna. In communications, beamforming is used to point an antenna at the signal source to reduce interference and improve communication quality. In direction finding applications, beamforming can be used to steer an antenna to determine the direction of the signal source.
A transmitting antenna generates stronger electromagnetic waves in some directions than others. A plot of field strength vs. direction is called the antenna’s “radiation pattern.” It’s always the same for receiving as for transmitting.
An electromagnetic wave measured at a point far from the antenna is the sum of the radiation from all parts of the antenna. Each small part of the antenna is radiating waves of a different amplitude and phase, and each of these waves travels a different distance to the point where a receiver is located. In some directions,
these waves add constructively to give a gain. In some directions they add destructively to give a loss.
(3)Directional Antenna
A directional antenna is one designed to have a gain in one direction and a loss in others. An antenna is made directional by increasing its size. This spreads the radiating conductors of the antenna over a larger distance, so that the constructive and destructive interference can be better controlled to give a directional
radiation pattern.
A satellite dish antenna can, simplistically, be considered a circular surface that radiates electromagnetic waves equally from all parts. It has a narrow central “beam” of high gain, as shown in the following figure, that is aimed at the satellite. As the dish diameter, in wavelengths, is increased the central beam gets
narrower. Notice the smaller beams, called “side lobes”, on either side of the central beam. Directions in which the signal strength is zero are called “nulls.”
(4)Linear Arrays
A simple directional antenna consists of a linear array of small radiating antenna elements, each fed with identical signals (the same amplitude and phase) from one transmitter. As the total width of the array increases, the central beam becomes narrower. As the number of elements increases, the side lobes become smaller.
(5)Electronically Steered Arrays
By varying the signal phases of the elements in a linear array, its main beam can be steered. The simplest
way of controlling signal phase is to systematically vary the cable lengths to the elements. Cables delay the signal and so shift the phase. However, this does not allow the antenna to be dynamically steered.
In beamforming, both the amplitude and phase of each antenna element are controlled. Combined amplitude and phase control can be used to adjust side lobe levels and steer nulls better than can be achieved by phase control alone.
The combined relative amplitude ak and phase shift qk for each antenna is called a “complex weight” and is represented by a complex constant wk (for the kth antenna).
A beamformer for a radio transmitter applies the complex weight to the transmit signal (shifts the phase and sets the amplitude) for each element of the antenna array.
A beamformer for radio reception applies the complex weight to the signal from each antenna element, then sums all of the signals into one that has the desired directional pattern.
(7)Digital Beamforming

File:Beamforming.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

File:Beamforming.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

♡食趣♡新竹 夜晚的悠閒。gossip

♡食趣♡新竹 夜晚的悠閒。gossip

新竹 湖水相連 清水模設計绝美景觀餐廳 二泉湖畔 @ 拉拉 隨性 隨意 走走看看 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::

新竹 湖水相連 清水模設計绝美景觀餐廳 二泉湖畔 @ 拉拉 隨性 隨意 走走看看 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::



晶振(crystal)與諧振盪器(oscillator)有何區別-- EKONGFU

晶振(crystal)與諧振盪器(oscillator)有何區別-- EKONGFU

Crystal 與 Oscillator 有何差異 - 科技新貴之貧窮貴公子篇 - Yahoo!奇摩部落格

Crystal 與 Oscillator 有何差異 - 科技新貴之貧窮貴公子篇 - Yahoo!奇摩部落格



2011年10月13日 星期四

Beamforming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Beamforming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4x4 MIMO - Technology - Quantenna Communications

4x4 MIMO - Technology - Quantenna Communications

Multi-user MIMO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Multi-user MIMO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Precoding - a knol by James S. Kim

Precoding - a knol by James S. Kim

Precoding - a knol by James S. Kim

Precoding - a knol by James S. Kim

Precoding - a knol by James S. Kim

Precoding - a knol by James S. Kim

MEMS Investor Journal -- The Largest MEMS Publication in the World: Overview of MEMS oscillator technology: key performance metrics and solution architecture

MEMS Investor Journal -- The Largest MEMS Publication in the World: Overview of MEMS oscillator technology: key performance metrics and solution architecture

MEMS Investor Journal -- The Largest MEMS Publication in the World: Overview of MEMS oscillator technology: key performance metrics and solution architecture

MEMS Investor Journal -- The Largest MEMS Publication in the World: Overview of MEMS oscillator technology: key performance metrics and solution architecture

TXC 台灣晶技 Quartz Crystal

TXC 台灣晶技

What Is a Quartz Oscillator?

What Is a Quartz Oscillator?

MEMS Investor Journal -- The Largest MEMS Publication in the World: Overview of MEMS oscillator technology: key performance metrics and solution architecture

MEMS Investor Journal -- The Largest MEMS Publication in the World: Overview of MEMS oscillator technology: key performance metrics and solution architecture

Ubee Interactive | Innovation and Competitive Offerings in Wired and Wireless Broadband Communications

Ubee Interactive | Innovation and Competitive Offerings in Wired and Wireless Broadband Communications

Ubicom - Media Meets Networking

Ubicom - Media Meets Networking

IEEE 802.11ac - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

IEEE 802.11ac - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



802.11n還沒有用,ac,ad來了,能成規模嗎? - seawang的個人空間- 中國電子頂級開發網--電子設計論壇、博客、超人氣的電子工程師資料分享平台- Powered by X-Space

802.11n還沒有用,ac,ad來了,能成規模嗎? - seawang的個人空間- 中國電子頂級開發網--電子設計論壇、博客、超人氣的電子工程師資料分享平台- Powered by X-Space

Wi-Fi+WiGig浮出檯面 下一代Wi-Fi出路齊頭並進! @ Aquarius :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::

Wi-Fi+WiGig浮出檯面 下一代Wi-Fi出路齊頭並進! @ Aquarius :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::

2011/09/18 ABI預測802.11ac將在2014躍居主流Wi-Fi標準 @ IT產業趨勢研究中心 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::

2011/09/18 ABI預測802.11ac將在2014躍居主流Wi-Fi標準 @ IT產業趨勢研究中心 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::

2011/09/18 ABI預測802.11ac將在2014躍居主流Wi-Fi標準 @ IT產業趨勢研究中心 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::

2011/09/18 ABI預測802.11ac將在2014躍居主流Wi-Fi標準 @ IT產業趨勢研究中心 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::

T3 | Latest Tech News, Gadget reviews and Technology videos

T3 | Latest Tech News, Gadget reviews and Technology videos

