2011年7月31日 星期日

USB的Bandwidth與throughput - GaryLee

USB的Bandwidth與throughput - GaryLee

跳轉到: 導航, 搜尋

USB Bandwidth & HID throughtput 速度 Bandwidth(bits/s) HID throughput(bytes/sec/report) HID throughput(bytes/microframe/I/O report) Remark
Low Speed 1.5M 800 8
Full Speed 12M 64,000 64
High Speed 480M 23.4M 3072

REF: http://www.edacn.net/html/86/49586-52367.html

USB的Bandwidth與throughput - GaryLee

USB的Bandwidth與throughput - GaryLee

What does GT/s mean, anyway? - 2007-03-01 07:00:00 | Test & Measurement World

What does GT/s mean, anyway? - 2007-03-01 07:00:00 | Test & Measurement World

When announcing version 2.0 of the PCI Express (PCIe) standard in January, the PCI Special Interest Group (PCI-SIG) said that the new version “doubles the interconnect bit rate from 2.5 GT/s to 5 GT/s.” Most of us are used to seeing bus speeds specified in Gbps, or gigabits per second, but GT/s stands for gigatransfers per second. What’s the difference?

The difference has to do with the encoding of the data. Because PCIe is a serial bus with the clock embedded in the data, it needs to ensure that enough level transitions (1 to 0 and 0 to 1) occur for a receiver to recover the clock. To increase level transitions, PCIe uses “8b/10b” encoding, where every eight bits are encoded into a 10-bit symbol that is then decoded at the receiver. Thus, the bus needs to transfer 10 bits to send 8 bits of encoded data.

Looking at a single PCIe 1.1 lane, the bidirectional bus can transfer 2.5 Gbps in each direction, or 5 Gbps in total. Because the bus needs to send 10 bits of encoded data for every 8 bits of unencoded data, the effective bit rate is

5 Gbps • (8/10), or 4 Gbps

A 16-lane PCIe 1.1 bus can transfer 80 Gbps of encoded data or 64 Gbps of unencoded data. Because PCIe 2.0 doubles the transfer rate, a single lane can transfer 5 Gbps of unencoded data in each direction, or 10 Gbps of unencoded data in total. That’s 8 Gbps encoded. Thus, a 16-lane PCIe 2.0 bus transfers 160 Gbps unencoded, which is 128 Gbps of encoded data. That’s 16 Gbytes/s of encoded data.

So, when the PCI-SIG announced the new rate of 5 GT/s, it was referring to raw data rate—the number of bps that the bus can move, or transfer. The encoding process reduces the rate of useful data transferred over the bus to 80% of the bus’s raw speed.

Links to more about PCI Express, data encoding, and transfer rates: The PCI-SIG Web site contains the announcement of PCI Express 2.0 specification. www.pcisig.com/specifications/pciexpress/base2.

For an explanation of 8b/10b encoding, see “Encoding Dictionary, terms, and definitions,” www.interfacebus.com/Definitions1.html.

For an overview of the PCI Express bus, see “PCI Express Technology,” a white paper from Dell Computer, www.dell.com/content/topics/global.aspx/vectors/en/2004_pciexpress.

Linksys E2500 Simultaneous Dual-Band N w/7dBi Antennas | eBay

Linksys E2500 Simultaneous Dual-Band N w/7dBi Antennas | eBay

Linksys E2500 Simultaneous Dual-Band N w/7dBi Antennas | eBay

Linksys E2500 Simultaneous Dual-Band N w/7dBi Antennas | eBay

Linksys E2500 Simultaneous Dual-Band N w/7dBi Antennas | eBay

Linksys E2500 Simultaneous Dual-Band N w/7dBi Antennas | eBay

2011年7月29日 星期五

TVU networks | Watch TV | 640 BlueHighways TV | BlueHighways TV features uniquely American programming that everyone can enjoy.

TVU networks | Watch TV | 640 BlueHighways TV | BlueHighways TV features uniquely American programming that everyone can enjoy.

絞架幽默/Drive a Hard Bargain - 英語 - 語言學習 - udn校園博覽會

絞架幽默/Drive a Hard Bargain - 英語 - 語言學習 - udn校園博覽會

Get at - English Phrasal Verb - UsingEnglish.com

Get at - English Phrasal Verb - UsingEnglish.com

How to List Payment Terms on an Invoice | eHow.com

How to List Payment Terms on an Invoice | eHow.com

What is 802.11h? - Definition from Whatis.com

What is 802.11h? - Definition from Whatis.com

1.Dynamic frequency selection (DFS) detects the presence of other devices on a channel and automatically switches the network to another channel if and when such signals are detected.

2.Transmit power control (TPC) reduces the radio-frequency (RF) output power of each network transmitter to a level that minimizes the risk of interference to and from other systems, while still allowing satisfactory network performance.

Wi-Fi - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

Wi-Fi - 维基百科,自由的百科全书


WPA/WPA2:WPA/WPA2是基於IEEE 802.11a、802.11b、802.11g的單模、雙模或雙頻的產品所建立的測試程式。內容包含通訊協定的驗證、無線網路安全性機制的驗證,以及網路傳輸表現與相容性測試。
WMM(Wi-Fi MultiMedia):當影音多媒體透過無線網路的傳遞時,要如何驗證其頻寬保證的機制是否正常運作在不同的無線網路裝置及不同的安全性設定上是WMM測試的目的。
WMM Power Save:在影音多媒體透過無線網路的傳遞時,如何透過管理無線網路裝置的待命時間來延長電池壽命,並且不影響其功能性,可以透過WMM Power Save的測試來驗證。
WPS(Wi-Fi Protected Setup):這是一個2007年年初才發布的認證,目的是讓消費者可以透過更簡單的方式來設定無線網路裝置,並且保證有一定的安全性。目前WPS允許透過Pin Input Config(PIN)、Push Button Config(PBC)、USB Flash Drive Config(UFD)以及Near Field Communication Contactless Token Config(NFC)的方式來設定無線網路裝置。
ASD(Application Specific Device):這是針對除了無線網路存取點(Access Point)及站台(Station)之外其他有特殊應用的無線網路裝置,例如DVD播放器、投影機、印表機等等。
CWG(Converged Wireless Group):主要是針對Wi-Fi mobile converged devices的RF部分測量的測試程式。
Wi-Fi Direct

Wi-Fi - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

Wi-Fi - 维基百科,自由的百科全书


WPA/WPA2:WPA/WPA2是基於IEEE 802.11a、802.11b、802.11g的單模、雙模或雙頻的產品所建立的測試程式。內容包含通訊協定的驗證、無線網路安全性機制的驗證,以及網路傳輸表現與相容性測試。
WMM(Wi-Fi MultiMedia):當影音多媒體透過無線網路的傳遞時,要如何驗證其頻寬保證的機制是否正常運作在不同的無線網路裝置及不同的安全性設定上是WMM測試的目的。
WMM Power Save:在影音多媒體透過無線網路的傳遞時,如何透過管理無線網路裝置的待命時間來延長電池壽命,並且不影響其功能性,可以透過WMM Power Save的測試來驗證。
WPS(Wi-Fi Protected Setup):這是一個2007年年初才發布的認證,目的是讓消費者可以透過更簡單的方式來設定無線網路裝置,並且保證有一定的安全性。目前WPS允許透過Pin Input Config(PIN)、Push Button Config(PBC)、USB Flash Drive Config(UFD)以及Near Field Communication Contactless Token Config(NFC)的方式來設定無線網路裝置。
ASD(Application Specific Device):這是針對除了無線網路存取點(Access Point)及站台(Station)之外其他有特殊應用的無線網路裝置,例如DVD播放器、投影機、印表機等等。
CWG(Converged Wireless Group):主要是針對Wi-Fi mobile converged devices的RF部分測量的測試程式。
Wi-Fi Direct

Serial Peripheral Interface Bus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Serial Peripheral Interface Bus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2011年7月28日 星期四

Antenna-Theory.com - S-Parameters

Antenna-Theory.com - S-Parameters

802.11n Tutorial

802.11n Tutorial

802.11n Concepts, Terms, Features

802.11n Concepts, Terms, Features

What is 802.11n Greenfield mode used for?

What is 802.11n Greenfield mode used for?

802.11n Signal Structure

802.11n Signal Structure

SATA - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

SATA - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

MIPS versus ARM - GLG News

MIPS versus ARM - GLG News

《數位之牆》MIPS推出MIPS32® 74K™新一代處理器核心

《數位之牆》MIPS推出MIPS32® 74K™新一代處理器核心

Linksys routers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Linksys routers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Linksys E4200 support - TomatoUSB

Linksys E4200 support - TomatoUSB

Re: Linksys E4200 support
Toastman_BKK 10 Feb 2011, 19:41 GMT+08
Photos and information:


- CPU: Broadcom BCM4718 @ 480 MHz
- Switch: Broadcom BCM53115
- RAM: 64 MB
- Flash: 16 MB
- 2.4 GHz: uses the internal radio of the BCM4718 - with two SiGe 2528L 2.4 GHz power amps max output 250mW 2x3 MIMO
- 5 GHz: Broadcom BCM4331 Single-Chip 802.11n Transceiver 3x3 MIMO plus 3x SE2594L complete front end modules - rated at max output 125mW


They have tried to do the best they can as regards spacing with the rather small internal antennas, which appear to be horizontally mounted dipoles for 5GHz and short loaded dipoles for 2.4GHz. There are onboard connectors for 5GHz but the 2.4GHz antennas are soldered to the PCB in these photos. J18 and J19 are probably intended for OEM test connectors.

See also http://tomatousb.org/forum/t-299811/linksys-e4200-available-now

PCI Express - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

PCI Express - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

PCI Express - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

PCI Express - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Conventional PCI - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Conventional PCI - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Conventional PCI - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Conventional PCI - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2011年7月24日 星期日


史丹利部落格: UHCI,OHCI,EHCI差異


What is HSIC?
HSIC (High-Speed Inter-Chip) is an industry standard for USB chip-to-chip interconnect with a 2-signal (strobe, data) source synchronous serial interface using 240 MHz DDR signaling to provide only high-speed (480 Mbps data rate). No external cables or connectors and hot plug-n-play are supported. There is also no analog transceivers, and hence reduces the complexity, cost, power consumption, and manufacturing risk. Low power can be achieved with 1.2 V LVCMOS signaling levels instead of the 3.3 V signaling requirement. Both data and strobe are bi-directional utilizing NRZI encoding. In addition, HSIC interface is always operated at high speed, 480 Mbps. Hence, no high-speed chirp protocol is needed during enumeration. Finally, HSIC USB is fully compatible with existing USB software stacks and provides all data transfer needs through a single unified USB software stack. For more technical information regarding the requirements to implement a HSIC USB solution, please refer to the High-Speed Inter-Chip USB Electrical Specification, Version 1.0 (a supplement to the USB 2.0 specification.) which is now available online at http://www.usb.org/developers/docs/docs


EHCI Specification

EHCI Specification



Serial NAND Flash Memory

Serial NAND Flash Memory

Nor Flash - DJ財經知識庫 - MoneyDJ理財網

Nor Flash - DJ財經知識庫 - MoneyDJ理財網

U-boot and Flash (NOR, NAND & SPI)

U-boot now has support for 3 different flash technologies:
NOR flash (traditional parallel 8-bit or 16-bit wide data bus, with a dedicated address bus).
NAND flash (newer technology 8-bit or 16-bit data bus, which is multiplexed with the address bus).
SPI serial flash (newer technology, simple 4-wire serial bus).


[轉貼]Nand 與 Nor flash @ Kelvin的Blog記事本 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::

[轉貼]Nand 與 Nor flash @ Kelvin的Blog記事本 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::

CFI Flash, JEDEC Flash ,Parellel Flash, SPI Flash, Nand Flash,Nor Flash的区别和联系_Work and Job_百度空间

CFI Flash, JEDEC Flash ,Parellel Flash, SPI Flash, Nand Flash,Nor Flash的区别和联系_Work and Job_百度空间

2011年7月12日 星期二



《財富》封面文章:2011年最具投資價值美國股票 (1)

《財富》封面文章:2011年最具投資價值美國股票 (1)

Sky Multiroom - Watch a different Sky TV Channel in every room

Sky Multiroom - Watch a different Sky TV Channel in every room

Motorola VAP2400 Wireless Video Access Point - Features - Motorola Mobility, Inc. USA

Motorola VAP2400 Wireless Video Access Point - Features - Motorola Mobility, Inc. USA

Motorola Mobility launches wireless video bridge




用電腦看電視 (五) 網路電視盒


Asus WiCast 攻佔我客廳的一小角


ASUS WiCast EW2000


CyWee無線投影串流技術 (南部蘋果迷 聚會)


CyWee Unveils 3 Products Integrating PC, Digital Home, Mobile Devices


2011年7月5日 星期二

USB 3.0 CPU雙雄力拱 | 科技產業 | 財經產業 | 聯合新聞網

USB 3.0 CPU雙雄力拱 | 科技產業 | 財經產業 | 聯合新聞網

台網通廠再現募資潮 60億資金陸續到位

台網通廠再現募資潮 60億資金陸續到位
台網通廠再現募資潮 60億資金陸續到位 2011/07/06-陳慧玲

DIGITIMES中文網 原文網址: 台網通廠再現募資潮 60億資金陸續到位 http://www.digitimes.com.tw/tw/dt/n/shwnws.asp?CnlID=1&Cat=60&Cat1=10&id=0000240791_XFS8N3LQ8R5CTV21FSHO4#ixzz1RHBFbK00



2011年7月4日 星期一

家庭網路設備大匯流 ACS遠端管理應運而生 - 學技術 - 新電子科技雜誌

家庭網路設備大匯流 ACS遠端管理應運而生 - 學技術 - 新電子科技雜誌



TR-069為 DSL Forum所定義的CPE WAN端的管理協定CPE WAN Management Protocol(CWMP),透過網路遠端管理客戶端設備的協定。
TR-069為Device和Auto Configuration Servers (ACS)之間共同的溝通方式,使用SOAP透過HTTP傳輸,包函了一個安全的自動設定和控制等管理的完整架構。ACS是一種裝置,可以管理終端設備、trouble shoot、設定、昇級等功能。

Protocol stack

服務提供商(Service Providers)現在可以使用一個共同的管理平台,通過網路以使用TR-069的CPE及ACS完成廣大及覆雜的自動設定、管理所有客戶設備(像是modems, routers, gateways, Set-top box, paddles, VoIP-phones等等…)

TR-069 End-to-End Architecture



TR-098-Internet Gateway Device Data Model for TR-069(之前定義在TR-069的參數,現今全部移至TR-098)
TR-104-Provisioning Parameters for VoIP CPE(VoIP的參數)
TR-106-Data Model Template for TR-069 Enabled Devices
TR-110-Reference Models for VoIP Configurations in the DSL Home
TR-111-Remote. Management of Home Networking Devices